Nicole Kenley-Miller | STAGE DIRECTOR
Nicole Kenley-Miller is known for her colorful and embodied productions of opera and music theatre, both on stage and film. Until her recent appointment to the faculty of The University of Oklahoma as Opera Director, she directed opera and musical theatre in Houston for over two decades with The University of Houston, Houston Gilbert & Sullivan Society, and Sugar Land Opera. Nicole is the founder of Intersection Arts, an organization which explores the convergence of art forms to speak to social and cultural issues of our day. Her original show The Women Have Something to Say premiered off-Broadway in New York and in excerpts on the Kennedy Center's livestream series. She is excited to return to Opera in Heights after her debut here in 2019 as director of Amahl and the Night Visitors.
Catch Nicole Kenley-Miller in Opera in the Heights’ production of La Bohème this April 5, 7, 12, 13.