Lucidity (Kaminsky & Cote)
LUCIDITY sheds light on the tragedy of dementia in our society, and on the agony and sacrifices of those afflicted, their family members, therapists, caregivers, and researchers working towards a breakthrough. With a libretto by David Cote and score by Laura Kaminsky, composer of As One, the most produced opera in the US, LUCIDITY offers a sympathetic portrait of three individuals whose lives are brought together around Lili, a former singer and composer battling dementia.
Box Office and Will Call opens at 6:30pm on Friday and Saturday performance dates and 1:00pm on Sunday performance dates. There is no guaranteed seating if you purchase tickets at the door, so please visit our online ticketing site to secure your seats. Click here to purchase tickets online.
Can’t find your tickets? Email us at boxoffice@operaintheheights.org and we will be happy to assist!
Be sure to allow time for street parking. There is no late seating. Please visit www.operaintheheights.org/maestros-circle to learn about how you can take advantage of Maestro’s Circle perks, which includes complimentary parking pass to Lambert Hall parking.
Call 713.861.5303 or email us at info@operaintheheights.org. We will do our best to make accommodations.
Operating by Opera in the Heights fantastic volunteer Guild, concessions can be found in front of Lambert Hall prior to the performance and during intermission. (Complimentary beer and wine now available at performances for your enjoyment!)
The safety of our artists, staff, and audiences remains our top priority at Opera in the Heights. Please visit www.operaintheheights.org/safety-protocols for our most up-to-date information on safety protocols.
All programs and artists are subject to change.
For more information, please visit: www.operaintheheights.org/f-a-q or contact our Box Office for further questions or concern during our boxoffice@operaintheheights.org normal business hours Monday-Friday 9am-5pm (713) 861-5303 or email us at boxoffice@operaintheheights.org
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